Friday, November 30, 2007

I swear




(If you are an underaged reading this blog, or a super staunch religionist, please leave this blog NOW.)

There are so many different occasions when I swear like that.

When someone brings me a piece of bad news or tells me something shocking.

When I cannot get things done and I’m behind schedule.

When a car cuts me suddenly in front and causes me to jam brake.

When some idiot leaves his high beam on and blinds me from behind.

When I’m upset, angry, in a violent mood for no apparent reason (prolly due to PMS).

When I feel like it, just to release my frustration.

Let me declare, I’m not some “lao lian” who uses vulgarities at every opportunity nor do I pepper my sentences with such words all the time.

And I’m way past the young age of teenagers trying to act cool by spouting vulgarities like they are punctuation marks.

However, I find it amazing how I always seem to feel that wee bit better every time I use such words in occasions like the above.

That one word, when spoken, seems to carry with it all the pent-up frustration and anger that you cannot otherwise vent.

And I haven’t heard of anyone who doesn’t feel the same way.

Just imagine this :

You order mee siam from a stall and the auntie shouts at you to repeat your order.

You repeat, “2 mee siams, no tau gay, and 2 chicken wings. Ta Bao.”

She stares at you like you are an alien and in her nastiest tone, shouts “Don’t understand what you want!”

You repeat the 3rd time, she ignores you, turns and walks back into the kitchen!

By now, if you are not already swearing under your breath, I salute you.


This happened to me when ordering breakfast.

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