Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Presents from Cat!

I’ve been crazy over blackies recently.

Blackies = Black Leggings/Stockings

And look at how many Cat bought me, from Taiwan!

Inspired, I decided to pen a short poetry on it.

The New-Age Blackie

'What took me so long,
To realise how sexy you are.

What took me so long,
To realise how versatile you can be.

What took me so long,
To realise you can look so good.

I should have known earlier,
When my ma said you were her faithful friend
In days when she was pursued by many.

In earlier years,
I chose to believe you were
But boring and dull,
A cheap version of sexy.

I looked upon you as passé,
And believed you were of use,
Only to old aging ladies,
Stuck in their younger fantasies.

When young girls donned you in recent years,
And made you the rage of the town,
I scorned their choice of fashion,
And thought you'll never last.

How wrong I’ve been,
I’ve realized,
And I’m glad I've found you,
The new mysterious black.'

Penned in all originality by S.A.M.M.I.E. © S.A.M.M.I.E.

Also, Cat bought me lots of other stuff from Taiwan!

Whitening face masks!

Ear muff for my Hokkaido trip! Another item checked from my wish list!

And Mike's got a present too! His favourite DORAEMON!

This is a limited edition in black.

Thank you dear!


cEciLia said...

WOW! you really got 'mo shui'! can be a poet already!!! hehe!

Anonymous said...

Haha! Only upon inspiration.